Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Wedding Bells are ringing... loudly in my ears, for everyone close to me

Justine, Devon, Daniela, Emily L, Meagan, Shannon, Summer

Not to mention those of my friends ALREADY married for a year or more Gina, Kaitlin, Kristin

These are all people who have gotten married or engaged in the past year or so. Craziness!

I feel as though I am going to be the last one out of everyone to get married, and I don't know why but my clock just seems to be ticking loudly in my ear. I think about when it will happen, and if I will be 30 by the time I walk down the aisle (GOD I hope not!)

Am I the only one feeling this way?

1 comment:

Kaitlin said...

don't rush it...marriage is hard work and definitely worth waiting for until you are 157% sure he's the one. i love you....oh yeah...i'll be home in may for about a week...wanna meet up????