Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Ok ok ok I am back friends!

OK so where do I even begin? First of all this is a pic of one of the beaches in Half Moon Bay, John and I went there this past Friday, such a nice day!

Things with John and I could really not be better. I planned a trip to Pismo Beach for his birthday in May so we are looking forward to that. I have been keeping busy with my latest hobby- Fantasy Baseball. I did my own team for the first time this year, it can be somewhat time consuming but it's fun(at least to me).

I am still back at home paying off my old debt and working from home. My schedule kinda sucks on days like this when it's nice out cause i work Tuesday-Thursday 11-8 and Mondays and Fridays 8-5.

I am attempting Weight Watchers and I have one week under my belt. It is kinda hard to keep track of all the pts and stuff, but I DEFINITELY need to drop some poundage before my trip to Maui in June... that is coming up QUICK!

On another note ( and not such a pleasant one),

My aunt who has been battling cancer for the past 3 yrs (she was previously in remission for 7 yrs but it came back with a vengeance in 2006) has been quickly declining. Her cancer came back as metastatic in the brain and lungs, and she responded well to chemo and radiation for the first few years, but recently the brain lesions have grown a lot. It is affecting her balance, her memory, her bladder control, and it is really hard to watch her go through all that. My family and her family have come together as a unit to help them out as much as possible through this difficult time.

My aunt, cousins Brian and Lauren, and my sister and I

Monday, March 2, 2009


Hey everyone!

It has literally been over 6 months since I last posted. So many things have changed!

First off, I hated my job that i went to and actually am now back at CCCS. I returned there in September, and actually was given the opportunity to work from home full-time since November. It's great cause commuting to the city was expensive ($12 a day!!) and time consuming. I moved back in with the parentals to save some money.

Also I have been dating a new guy since last August. We just made it official in January. His name is John and he lives in Danville. Things are going really well so far. He likes to travel and eat all types of food like me and he loves baseball and football, so needless to say we are a good match!

More to come later!!!