Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Ranting and Raving- Topic: Money, or lack of Money....

Ok so today folks, I am bitter. (sorry if anyone at my work happens to read this!)

I want to know why, why, why, do I only make $32,000 a year? How is someone supposed to live on that amount of money? I'll tell you how- by having well-off parent swho are able to pay your car payment and car insurance while you pay all of your wages to transportation and rent.
I have to wait a full year for a raise that is not going to amount to anything with the way inflation has increased dramatically. We get anywhere from 3-5 % which is nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just needed to vent, and for the record, I know I should be making way more because I have a degree, have a lot of varied work experience, and because I am dependable!

1 comment:

Kaitlin said...

the best time to look for a job is when you have one....i'm sorry :(